Yet another sighting of the infamous "Tits Magee"
Kelsey and I split off from the group today and we had some wild escapades through the building of CCRH. On our journey we encountered many awesome the crazy sasquatch of the 4th floor trash room...or maybe that was just John Ellis Gifford, III...I'm really unsure...we ran away pretty quick. ON the 5th floor we were putting new info sheets on the back of the doors and suddenly there's crazy cheerleader from TCS "Tits Magee" --I was singing some Ben Folds all through the hallway and she just gave me a blank dont understand this girl looked like a robot. Like something out of star wars or something. Bryant was like, "what's star wars?" --kids...gah. The poor Mallorie was frustrated...we all ate in the cafeteria...and we all ate until we couldn't eat anymore... Bryant had about 3 huge cups of chocolate milk with his 4 chicken fingers and pizza...I mean this kid is nine years old and he had to have been full...
I wasn't feeling well after lunch.
Martin Munn made me listen to a "The Darkness" song...I just don't know how to feel about that.
Mallorie, Kelsey, Bryant and I went to get stupid milk crates for stupid Malissa cause she can't do anything for her stupid self. I mean it's ridiculous. So we pull up to the out of business food world and get some milk crates...and unload them...all in front of Malissa's door. And we're not helping her move them into her room. Buttpies. I tell you. Bryant went outside to play...but all he did was play with the phone...Nick reprimanded him like a constipated goat on was just so gross. I felt bad for Bryant.
"Oh my how embarassing."
- So, you've read my blog and haven't left any comments...shame on you.
- Man, I could play better baseball than the Sucksville Stars.
- Martin Munn = Bag of LAME
- Kelsonator, yes, she has been the famed icantevendrinkaroundthem.
- Kids running around freakin me out.
- Sully likes your mom.
- Sully solid streams your mom.
- Joe Ybarra, I decline to comment on you.
- Jared, you need to update.
- did you ever get those beds turned up on their ends....I even put peanut butter on them for you...but you still remain alive...
- Peanut Butter= Kryptonite to Alfred Nick Hensley.
- There's just no way that Batman Begins is going to top Batman Returns.
- Oh, wait I meant there's no way that Batman Begins is going to top The Mummy Returns.
- Kelsey, give me my hat back.
If you wrote me off
I'd understand it
Cause I've been on
Some other planet
So come pick me up
I've landed
-Ben Folds