Awesome Night then a really HOT day...I mean...HOT
So, I picked ol'girl up at 6PM (and in retrospect this was way way too early) and I took her to Wal-mart to buy socks. Of course this is a very curious way to start a date. I'm sure she was kinda confused and worried by it at first. But I guess it made sense when we got to the iceplex. I like to ice skate on dates. I don't know's just a great way to break the ice...sometimes with your face...or butt... And we skated till about 7:15 or so...then I decided it was time to go eat cause I was hungry and my whussy old man ankles were hurting. Yes, she beat me at ice skating...but I didn't know it was competition. She just picks things up faster than I least that's what she said. I don't mind really. Infact, I think it's kinda cool. Anyway, we went on our way to Zasios (not sure on the spelling on that one) --the food was really good, and the company was even better...the best I could hope for. And it was just a really nice place. I recommend going there sometime. It's behind the star market at five points. So after dinner it was still really early and I was struggling to think of something else to do...cause what good date ever gets over at 8:30...uh...uh...yeah that's right...good dates don't get over early. So we went to play putt-putt at Funtasia. This girl, understand it...she's crazy competitive...and I like that...but I think putt-putt must be her weakness. I never added up the score but I think I won. Maybe. Even though it doesn't matter. Does it? After putt-putt we went to blockbuster and rented a movie called "BE COOL"--- We went and watched it in the MPR...and Steven Tyler said the most hilarious line in it..."Look at how those two legs just come up and make an ass of themselves." Apparently this girl is a biter too. lol, at least she snapped at me a few times. It was not "adorable."....however it was "endearing." After the movie I took her home and said goodnight.
Anyway, I had fun. Fun is what I EXPECTED...nothing more and nothing less. I just hope she keeps giving me the chance to have fun with her. Ok, that didn't sound right. I don't know how else to say it isn't dirty you perverts. She's a sweet girl and I'll cuss you if you think otherwise.
So...I went to bed that evening at 2:15AM...but then I got up at go to six flags....and thus began the most horrible day in the heat I've ever suffered...and believe me, I've been to a lot...I MEAN A LOT of track meets...and in several different places...none were as bad as this. So...ATLANTA....
after a wonderful 4 hour drive, we made it to the park. I forgot to get a ticket the day before so I was scared I was going to have to pay full price. (tickets at the UC are half price yo) - So, I mingled a little with the people in line ahead of me at the ticket booth and it turned out these two guys needed help. One had a season pass, the other had a buy one get one free ticket. The problem...he couldn't use the buy one get one free unless he had another person. SWEET, so these two brazilian guys Miguel and Raphael, saved me about 23 bucks...I guess that's the last good thing that happened that day.
Don't get me wrong. I had fun. But I've never dealt with heat and felt as bad as I did yesterday. For quite a while (after my 11 dollar hotdog,fries, and pink lemonade) I felt like I was going to just pass out. I attribute this to a few things: 1. I was going hard on a little less than 3 hours of sleep. 2. That lunch was just ridiculously nasty. 3. It was EFFIN HOT...hottest day of the year 4. I have given up guess what? NO CAFFEINE.
It was like I couldn't stay hydrated. Afterward I chugged so much gatorade. You have no idea. Imagine 8 hours of just a disgusting pig. Anyway, the heat was bad...the crowd wasn't terribly bad. The waits in lines were not very long sometimes. The line for the Scorcher was awesome...basically you walked up and got on the ride. It took a longer time in line for the Haunted Plantation...which by the way is officially the suckiest ride at six flags....and that includes the horrible beating you'll take if you ride the Cyclone...I promise. But the day was still a lot of fun. Some kids made fun of my pink shirt that I was wearing. I let it go the first two or three times...but the fourth time I told their mommy. This is what I said, "Ma'am are these children with you because they are being very rude and I don't appreciate it." Her reply, "just got ahead and beat them up. I don't care." -WOW>
So this is what I think would have been the funniest thing to say to that woman in the first place: "Ma'am, you should really speak to your children about the dangers of harassing complete strangers. You see, sometimes when you talk to strangers bad things happen. I'm a stranger, and I'm afraid bad things are about to happen." --I couldn't do it though. CURSE MY EAGLE SCOUT POLITE NATURE.
They always say being an eagle scout is a big deal. I've decided that it must not be really.
Anyway, despite the suck of the HEAT...I still had fun...and here are some notes:
People in attendance:
1. Alfred Nick Hensley
2. Bessima R. England
3. Kurt Stefanie
4. Alston "King" Johnson
5. Beth "The Deuce" Scavarda
6. Daylon "damnitshot" Aqeel
7. Ashley "Watertotin" Hill
8. Christine "Fearless Leader" Sargent
9. Scott "the transporter" Royce
10. Kelly "getouttamyfacematt" Lamb
11. Brock "and ya don't stop" Kimbrel
* honorable mention: Rebecca "trafficjam" Blount
- "am I bleeding?" -Scott Royce
- Me: I thought that girl was gonna blow chunks
Beth: Me too...I was trying to get out of the way
Me: SO SHE COULD PUKE ON ME?????!!!!????
-"WHO sings this?" -Kelly "Matt Wilson does" -Scott Royce (as I'm belting "hooked on a feeling" on the way home)
-"man, crappy ass...(trailing off)" -A frustrated Alfred sometime during lunch
-"Let's go get a picture with Tweety. " -Daylon
- "This fountain water is really hitting the spot. You guys are missing out. " -Brock as we wait in line at the Haunted Plantation...after Alston got him a cup of water...out of a FOUNTAIN FULL OF CHANGE---HE ACTUALLY DRANK IT...YES...YES HE DID.
- this kid at lunch just screamin the F-bomb everywhere about a stupid "throwbak jersey." I mean cussin up at storm...this little black boy couldn't have been older than 12...and to top it off...I mean this really made me laugh. After 5 minutes of cussing about a Jersey...the kid goes, "Damn I need a cigarette."
-"seriously, no one should ever smoke. It's the most disgusting thing ever." -Ol'girl (and I agree with that statement)
- Dippin dots right before the Georgia Scorcher
-there was this ridiculous hairy man infront of me on the Great American Scream Machine--he was wearing next to nothing...and put his arms up in the air the whole time...imagine the wonderful smells and body secretions that flew on MY FACE...ah yes, wonderful times.
-Beth nearly fell down the stairs after the superman ride. She skidded down three steps and caught herself...I was the only one that saw it. But now it is immortalized in the written WORD.
-Nick: it says you shouldn't ride the flume ride while pregnant.
Kelsey: Isn't the flume ride what got her pregnant in the first place?
- Kurt screaming at the top of his lungs the whole time that ANY...I mean ANY ride was in motion.
-I've never seen so much NAST--as the NASTY I saw at that park yesterday. People, I mean UGLY people running around in next to really helps a stomach settle after a disgusting lunch of a footlong hotdog...
-I swear I saw your evil twin at six flags yesterday.
-"can I have a cookie?" -one of the kids making fun of my pink shirt
"no, but how would you like my hand across your lip?" -kid's mom
-wow, i've never seen someone stick to the pavement like that before.
- Mallorie, Stephanie,'re all lame for not too MUNN.
-Ted D. Ray would have gone to six flags. I bet you anything.
- "Oh man, your phone is in there. It's right behind those cheese crackers you're holding." -Nick
"Nick if these things I'm holding are cheese crackers you've been sorely mislead. However, cheese crackers might be just as absorbant." -Me
-"You want some Excedrin Migrain?" Ashley
"I tell you he doesn't want any Midol." - Beth
"Damn skippy I don't." -Me
- Me: If they come out here and say they want to ride Batman again, let's strangle them.
Kurt: Ok.
- As we were sitting beneath the swings that go really high in the air... in the shade. I was telling Alfred and Kurt about how if one of those people decided it was a good time to puke...we'd all get a little sweet relief from the heat...heck yes, a puke shower.
- I wish I had played a game and won a prize. Preferably the pillow that said "DIVA"
GAH...that was a long post.
Anyway, I had fun. Fun is what I EXPECTED...nothing more and nothing less. I just hope she keeps giving me the chance to have fun with her. Ok, that didn't sound right. I don't know how else to say it isn't dirty you perverts. She's a sweet girl and I'll cuss you if you think otherwise.
So...I went to bed that evening at 2:15AM...but then I got up at go to six flags....and thus began the most horrible day in the heat I've ever suffered...and believe me, I've been to a lot...I MEAN A LOT of track meets...and in several different places...none were as bad as this. So...ATLANTA....
after a wonderful 4 hour drive, we made it to the park. I forgot to get a ticket the day before so I was scared I was going to have to pay full price. (tickets at the UC are half price yo) - So, I mingled a little with the people in line ahead of me at the ticket booth and it turned out these two guys needed help. One had a season pass, the other had a buy one get one free ticket. The problem...he couldn't use the buy one get one free unless he had another person. SWEET, so these two brazilian guys Miguel and Raphael, saved me about 23 bucks...I guess that's the last good thing that happened that day.
Don't get me wrong. I had fun. But I've never dealt with heat and felt as bad as I did yesterday. For quite a while (after my 11 dollar hotdog,fries, and pink lemonade) I felt like I was going to just pass out. I attribute this to a few things: 1. I was going hard on a little less than 3 hours of sleep. 2. That lunch was just ridiculously nasty. 3. It was EFFIN HOT...hottest day of the year 4. I have given up guess what? NO CAFFEINE.
It was like I couldn't stay hydrated. Afterward I chugged so much gatorade. You have no idea. Imagine 8 hours of just a disgusting pig. Anyway, the heat was bad...the crowd wasn't terribly bad. The waits in lines were not very long sometimes. The line for the Scorcher was awesome...basically you walked up and got on the ride. It took a longer time in line for the Haunted Plantation...which by the way is officially the suckiest ride at six flags....and that includes the horrible beating you'll take if you ride the Cyclone...I promise. But the day was still a lot of fun. Some kids made fun of my pink shirt that I was wearing. I let it go the first two or three times...but the fourth time I told their mommy. This is what I said, "Ma'am are these children with you because they are being very rude and I don't appreciate it." Her reply, "just got ahead and beat them up. I don't care." -WOW>
So this is what I think would have been the funniest thing to say to that woman in the first place: "Ma'am, you should really speak to your children about the dangers of harassing complete strangers. You see, sometimes when you talk to strangers bad things happen. I'm a stranger, and I'm afraid bad things are about to happen." --I couldn't do it though. CURSE MY EAGLE SCOUT POLITE NATURE.
They always say being an eagle scout is a big deal. I've decided that it must not be really.
Anyway, despite the suck of the HEAT...I still had fun...and here are some notes:
People in attendance:
1. Alfred Nick Hensley
2. Bessima R. England
3. Kurt Stefanie
4. Alston "King" Johnson
5. Beth "The Deuce" Scavarda
6. Daylon "damnitshot" Aqeel
7. Ashley "Watertotin" Hill
8. Christine "Fearless Leader" Sargent
9. Scott "the transporter" Royce
10. Kelly "getouttamyfacematt" Lamb
11. Brock "and ya don't stop" Kimbrel
* honorable mention: Rebecca "trafficjam" Blount
- "am I bleeding?" -Scott Royce
- Me: I thought that girl was gonna blow chunks
Beth: Me too...I was trying to get out of the way
Me: SO SHE COULD PUKE ON ME?????!!!!????
-"WHO sings this?" -Kelly "Matt Wilson does" -Scott Royce (as I'm belting "hooked on a feeling" on the way home)
-"man, crappy ass...(trailing off)" -A frustrated Alfred sometime during lunch
-"Let's go get a picture with Tweety. " -Daylon
- "This fountain water is really hitting the spot. You guys are missing out. " -Brock as we wait in line at the Haunted Plantation...after Alston got him a cup of water...out of a FOUNTAIN FULL OF CHANGE---HE ACTUALLY DRANK IT...YES...YES HE DID.
- this kid at lunch just screamin the F-bomb everywhere about a stupid "throwbak jersey." I mean cussin up at storm...this little black boy couldn't have been older than 12...and to top it off...I mean this really made me laugh. After 5 minutes of cussing about a Jersey...the kid goes, "Damn I need a cigarette."
-"seriously, no one should ever smoke. It's the most disgusting thing ever." -Ol'girl (and I agree with that statement)
- Dippin dots right before the Georgia Scorcher
-there was this ridiculous hairy man infront of me on the Great American Scream Machine--he was wearing next to nothing...and put his arms up in the air the whole time...imagine the wonderful smells and body secretions that flew on MY FACE...ah yes, wonderful times.
-Beth nearly fell down the stairs after the superman ride. She skidded down three steps and caught herself...I was the only one that saw it. But now it is immortalized in the written WORD.
-Nick: it says you shouldn't ride the flume ride while pregnant.
Kelsey: Isn't the flume ride what got her pregnant in the first place?
- Kurt screaming at the top of his lungs the whole time that ANY...I mean ANY ride was in motion.
-I've never seen so much NAST--as the NASTY I saw at that park yesterday. People, I mean UGLY people running around in next to really helps a stomach settle after a disgusting lunch of a footlong hotdog...
-I swear I saw your evil twin at six flags yesterday.
-"can I have a cookie?" -one of the kids making fun of my pink shirt
"no, but how would you like my hand across your lip?" -kid's mom
-wow, i've never seen someone stick to the pavement like that before.
- Mallorie, Stephanie,'re all lame for not too MUNN.
-Ted D. Ray would have gone to six flags. I bet you anything.
- "Oh man, your phone is in there. It's right behind those cheese crackers you're holding." -Nick
"Nick if these things I'm holding are cheese crackers you've been sorely mislead. However, cheese crackers might be just as absorbant." -Me
-"You want some Excedrin Migrain?" Ashley
"I tell you he doesn't want any Midol." - Beth
"Damn skippy I don't." -Me
- Me: If they come out here and say they want to ride Batman again, let's strangle them.
Kurt: Ok.
- As we were sitting beneath the swings that go really high in the air... in the shade. I was telling Alfred and Kurt about how if one of those people decided it was a good time to puke...we'd all get a little sweet relief from the heat...heck yes, a puke shower.
- I wish I had played a game and won a prize. Preferably the pillow that said "DIVA"
GAH...that was a long post.
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