Quantcast Your Face Gives Me the Diarrhea: And it came to pass that a good friend came through on a promise...
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Sunday, June 22, 2008

And it came to pass that a good friend came through on a promise...

And in a jar of Taster's Choice, I tasted "Wild Spirit-Paddle Your Own Canoe."--perhaps the last bit of it left in the free world. Appropriately ingested while kayaking on Memorial Day.

It was a promise that was kept after two years. Maybe there is hope for the world.

So, I've had an entire month of almost nothing going on since graduation. I'll be moving to Arkansas next Friday and not a moment too soon. I've definitely had enough of this place for a while. In this month I've done a few things (almost nothing isn't really nothing it just is a few things with a lot of nothing in between). I think it's best summed up in sidenotes.

1. Installed pull up bar.
2. Built some benches.
3. Mowed the lawn a few times (THAT is a chore.)
4. Kayaked my brains out.
5. Ran a little bit.
6. Flew to San Antonio.
7. Spent a few evenings in Huntsville.
8. Watched a lot of movies.
9. Had lunch with the Hensleys.
10. Saw a baby chicken hatch.
11. Had plans fall through.
12. Had plans that worked.
13. Saw people in Wal-mart that I had not seen in seven years, and thought I would never see again.

This was really boring.


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