Highlighter Yellow Running apparel
This morning I went out for a nice and easy three miles. It wasn't quite light out yet so I wore a brightly colored shirt so as to be noticed and not "kilt," as Marie would say. It's always interesting the things a person sees (palindrome)when one is out "jogging" just before sun up. I'll spare you the explicit details but I will tell you it involved a hobo, two ducks, fishing line, and what appeared to be a couple of hypodermic needles. ....I RAN. I ran until my muscles burned and my veins pumped battery acid. Then I ran some more....
I saw Mr. Bruno out walking his puppy in the first 5 or so minutes of the run. I stopped to pet the Spotted One. I would have yelled that I was Old Greg, but I wasn't really in the mood. Besides, that might be getting a little old...nah, who am I kidding? Old Greg is old but doesn't get old.
Crack Fox.
Some side-notes:
1. I woke up at 4 in the freaking morning...and I don't feel productive for it at all. Though I did some push ups and ran three miles (19:40...just chillin).
2. Hipsters are the problem. If I am not a solution, am I part of the problem?
3. I think I'm going to grow shave my beard into some nice CHOPS today and just wear them around. Everyone else can deal with that.
4. My running tights are not tight anymore. That's what I get for buying tights in the middle of a "fat" stage.
5. Leaning on the side of my truck watching my breath in front of me, I held it in for a moment and noticed that the heat/evaporation from my sweating was also rising from my body. And for a brief moment, I felt like a runner again.
6. Brad bought me a pair of shorts and lunch yesterday. Thank you Bradley.
7. Right now I'm listening to Snoop Dogg "Sensual Seduction."
8. And I dislike that "Love Song" song..."I'm not gonna write you a love song..."--fuck that, as someone who actually writes love songs for people that don't deserve them...I'm offended (not really, just my two cents).
9. I'm thinking of changing the name of the blog. Any ideas or suggestions?
I cherish those times when I "feel like a runner again", though they are few and far between.
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