Quantcast Your Face Gives Me the Diarrhea: The endless calamity of Saturday
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Saturday, January 20, 2007

The endless calamity of Saturday

I went to bed at 5am this morning, not because I couldn't sleep but because I wanted to stay up and talk with Rachel and Danielle, and then when I got to my room I decided I was going to play some guitar.

Naturally I slept until around 11 or so...because I don't require but about 6 hours...

So then began my quest...

I traveled to Target and purchased a swiffer...I'm just tired of the damn floor always looking like shit...seriously. I'm tired of it. I used the swiffer. Already it is better to me. Also at Target, I bought a 12 pack of cokes, some hot pockets, 9volt batteries (B-Batteries)...and a 20 oz. coke...so Mader can get the coke rewards...anyway....when I returned I opened the 9volt batteries and proceeded to suggest that Mader put a brand new one to his tongue. He did. It was sweet. A little bit of a funny moment. I think he regretted it...

I then put the official "Mader-licked 9volt" into my Alvarez RF2oSC...and tuned my guitar....the guitar is now charged with MADERness for complete rocking ability and total kick-assness. I believe the saliva residue of Mader on the 9volt will propel me to FAME...or worse case scenerio...it just becomes all crappy and acidic or something...either way it should be interesting.

Mader went to do something...I can't remember what, but then he was complaining about his cell phone not working correctly. So we went to railroad bazaar's Verizon kiosk...and while there he played a hollow body bass and I played a Guild GAD-30RASB, I was pretty impressed with the guitar but not the guitar's strings. Anyway, those chodes at railroad sent us packing to another verizon place on down the road (but not before Mader got two double stackers from BK)---well, we went to this mythical verizon place....and could not locate it. We drove all around Target's shopping center. Finally we ended up at Circuit City's kiosk and couldn't hear because of the BASS in the store...and I wasn't happy about it so, I let Crystal the kiosk girl know about my unhappiness. NOT COOL for me to do but it was kinda funny. She told us where to go and this time we found it. It was hidden in the corner down below 72 and behind "Babies-R-US"--and impossible to find if you didn't know exactly where to go. So we found it and went in, and they kept his phone and by this time I'm hungry for BK too...and that's what we do, there's a BK right across the road from this place...and I get food....and get annoyed by a young kid wanting me to buy donuts for a fund raiser with cash that I don't have. I asked him if he took debit and he asked me what debit was....

Traffic was really bad, but I wanted batteries (B-batteries) for the Keyboard to try out some of the percussion beats on it with my guitar playing...and we ended up at Walgreens, where I saw a "Club" on the steering wheel of this like...93 Acura Integra or some shit...it was ridiculous. I got the batteries....Mader got an envelope and we discussed mailing a Hershey Bar to McGuill college in Canada...AMERICANA BITCHES. But in the end, Mader decided he'd eat the chocolate and almonds and just send the school a graduate school application instead. SHIT. I knew he didn't have any guts.

So now I'm at the Bevil Center using the internet because RES NET FLOSSES WITH ASS HAIR, and I was going to do my homework but I can't until I take the section 1.1 quiz which can only be taken at the library...BULLSHITNESS.

BLEH....maybe it's time for another meal.


Blogger Andrew and Sarah said...


Update your blog, ya beeb. People down in Mobile need to know how life is for you these days.

2:57 PM  

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