Quantcast Your Face Gives Me the Diarrhea: Wow, it's been a while...
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Monday, March 21, 2005

Wow, it's been a while...

I believe I successfully handled the stress placed on me and the workload with all those tests...but we'll have to wait to find out about that later. As Spring break began after my last class thursday.

Friday I got up and made some cheese toast. It was heaven, almost like west virginia. Yeah, West Virginia. Pruitt and I went on some errands so he could buy some discs for disc golf. As if he needed new discs. Anyway, he took like a flippin hour cause he couldn't make a decision on what he wanted. He's such a woman. And I was getting ancy because we had to be at Spragins to leave for the 10k and the Alabama relays at 12:30...

So we get there and it's just seven people going to the relays, so we have a rental TAHOE, but the problem is that seven people 3 of which were girls, and the baggage...there was just not enough room. SO we strapped the bags to the top of the car. This was a mistake as we didn't secure them well enough. We almost got to Madison before we decided to stop at Walmart and get some more ties to keep the bags secured. Anyway, we went to Tuscaloosa. No big deal with that. Linda ran the 10k first and PRed by like a minute and 22 seconds...that was awesome. Then Zach, Cody, and I ran. We all ran really well. I was the only one that didn't PR, but I did break the 10k UAH school record (previously held by myself with a 33:58) I ran a 33:25. The reason it was a faster record but it wasn't a PR is because I've run faster times in Cross-country...and this was track. Two completely different things.

So then we all piled back in the Tahoe after the race. We didn't bother to put the bags on the top this time. We just piled it all in and prayed we could shut the doors. It was quite uncomfortable. We went to the hotel (lovely Best Western on McFarland, just off the interstate...I mean lovely because it was noisey all night from the interstate)....we showered (seperately, not together) and then went to Pruitt's aunt's house for dinner. Wonderful it was. And we listened to David Bowie and Bruce Springsteen on Vinyl...it was great. Then we went back to the hotel and watched some march madness, and went to sleep.

Saturday we got up and went to the meet. We met up with the rest of the team there since they came down on the bus that morning. Caitlin and Megan ran PRs in the 5k and also ran provisional times for DII nationals. York and Pruitt both PRed in the 5k. The day was fun because I didn't have to compete. Zach, Cody, Linda, and I went on an easy run of about 5 miles through the UofA campus...that was a lot of fun. Especially with all the tailgating from the A-day game, gymnastics meet, Baseball vs. Kentucky, and the Relays going on. Then Mader and I went to the Paul W. Bryant Museum and I bought postcards. It was truly a Roll Tide weekend in full swing. After the meet we came back to the Hotel. A lot of people went to O'charlie's but Mader and I ordered a pizza. IT was the best pizza I ever had.

Sunday morning we got up at 9:30 or so and started packing up since we wouldn't be coming back to the hotel from the meet. We pulled out about 11 and were looking forward to a wonderful day of relay/team based competition. The 4x8 ran awesome (7:57) it was a new school record. Mark started them off with at 1:54 split. Not too shabby. And for a majority of the race they were hanging in there right with Bama and Miss St.---it was awesome. The 4x1500 also set a school record. I was third leg, I got a little excited and ran a 60 on my first lap. It's a wonder I held on so well. I ended up running a 4:15 split. Not the fastest split, but not the slowest either. I was not the King of the 4x1500. Anyway, everyone on the team ran awesome. It was an awesome meet, and we ended up winning the Non-DI competition, on the boys and girls side. The ride back in the Tahoe was awesome. It was just me, Cody, and Coach. We left Tuscaloosa at 6PM and made it back to Huntsville at 7:50...we were flying.

Just some random thoughts:

Am I not supposed to have what I want? I wish people wouldn't try to make me feel guilty about the way I feel.

Why is it so hard to be a good friend? I feel like someone is trying to put me in a role I don't want to be in. I want to help but I dont know how.


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