Quantcast Your Face Gives Me the Diarrhea: My run
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Location: Huntsville, Alabama, United States

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Thursday, March 10, 2005

My run

So I'm running across South Memorial Parkway in Huntsville, and I pass under the overpass...and all these pidgeons come flying at me...I was so surprised. They've never flown at me before. It was like being in a war...and I had no gun or something. Anyway, none of them dropped on me and I continued on my way. Running along Airport Rd...wow, it was so windy today. It was like I was running in place sometimes. It made me pretty tired, but since I'm a stallion I was able to continue on my 8 mile conquest of the running park. I encountered several other barriers in my trek toward exhaustion: 1. a fallen tree across the path (I almost didn't realize it until too late) So I jumped the tree...like a stealthy ninja ready for combat. 2. This fly flew right into my eye. I know...stupid flies comin around in March...that's what I get for trying to run in Alabama. 3. The rain from the previous day left the hill on the backside of the course sloppy muddy wet...and I almost fell down going down the hill, and coming up the hill...it was slow goin. 4. One of those police dogs was loose (there's a K-9 unit training facility right beside the course) and it was runnin around everywhere...scary stuff. Especially since they are trained to attack people that are running away. I hear that police dogs also are trained to do racial profiling...and PROFILING IS WRONG...but what would I know about that? I'm male, middle-class, and white...fairly clean cut...so I can get away with just about anything. Oh yeah, back to the perils of the running park. 4. On my way back to the apartment I encountered a golf ball landing right infront of me (the running park is also beside the municiple golf course) anyway, it scared the poo outta me...I mean if if had hit me I'd have died. Finally after 52 minutes of wonderful running through many perils and tests...I made it back to the apartment.

There I found Justin Pruitt dining on peanut butter and raisins. GROSS. Then he proceeded to eat pickles and olives out of the jars in the refridgerator...so if you come over and he offers you an olive or a pickle or some nutella, don't eat it cause he's been putting his hand in the jar, and he also drinks the pickle/olive juice from the jar. I'm just giving you a warning.

York told me about some crazy school in Kentucky or something...you should ask him about it. He's on AIM BXCountry03 I think...anyway...yeah.

What is that song that's on all those commercials...it's so annoying and I have no idea what it is.

Anyway, I'm just going to chill out at the apartment tonight. Nothing going on since Laura is sick and all. Man I hope I don't get it. That'd be crazy...crazy bad.

I miss the Sully dog. He is the master of the universe, so much cooler than HeMAN. Sully doesn't need a stupid green tiger...all he needs is his rawhide bone. And perhaps a gallon or two of water to wash down the food he doesn't chew...all so he can yack on Malissa's carpet. That darn dog.


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