Quantcast Your Face Gives Me the Diarrhea: I can't really say what I was thinking
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Sunday, March 05, 2006

I can't really say what I was thinking

Sometimes this little blip on the internet gets ignored. I mean I don't have a life and all, but I still have to do other things like study for tests, write papers, watch tv, etc. --I been real busy.

SO, in taking more responsibility in the work place, Juanita has seen in her infinite wisdom that Kelsey and I should also partake in the interviewing of people for the Conference Assistant position this summer. This process was interesting for a couple of days, but after 7 hours of sitting in 30 minute interview sessions it's gotten a little boring. No one is wowing me anymore. Which leads me to believe that people that have the first interviews are better off because the interviewers are not fatigued from listening to people talk about their leadership skills in regard to every question asked. The worst thing is when people don't understand the question you've asked and you have to rephrase it...makes me feel like an idiot, and definitely makes them look like one too. Anyway, I'm bordering on being non-professional if I discuss this any further.

True, it's been awhile since the last update...so here are a few highlights.

- Rascal Pascal Goldwater, III is the new puppy in the Wilson household, he is a border collie and he's a biter. So don't come around unless you want to feel the pain.
- I've started a novel, but have yet to work on it much as I am still bothering with this whole school thing.
-I'm going to Orlando for Spring Break and I'm really excited about it.
-I will be cooking hot dogs for housing room sign up/bingo night the week after spring break.
-Scott NELSON Royce will be my assistant in the cooking of the dogs.
-Nick saved the laptop from almost certain ruin.
-I am opting to not run Alabama relays this year. I just dont' have the time.
-I am wearing my glasses for 3 more days...afterward I hope to never need glasses again.
-Mader and I just watched the movie "Falling Down" and it was great.
-My research paper on the Scottsboro Rape trials is due March 15th.
-I have a test in PSC 103 on Tuesday (should really get to studying for that)
-Lindsey Connell is a silly silly girl.
-John Gifford eats shit pies for breakfast every morning. I hope he dies and goes to hell. Fuck brotherhood...stupid frat boys.
-no letter from Clare in three months. Awesome...???? NO. I wonder if she's still alive.
-gave up sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll for Lent, Actually I mean carbinated beverages...I only drink water, milk, or juice (juicelike products).
-I hope they don't kill me Wednesday when the operate on my eyes...or blind me.

UAH Housing 7 -Delta Zeta 18....we got killed in intramural softball. I made a catch. I was the first person to bat in the entire game. I had not swung a bat in 3 years. I got a double. Go me. So the double and the catch/making an out in left field are the only contributions I made to the team. I feel I'll be better at softball when I don't have to play in my glasses. It will give me more ability to move without losing the power of sight.

Sidenotes on the softball endeavor:
1. Nick Hensley loves nonconstrictive pants, but wishes there were something to "keep it all together."
2. "Oh so do we have to shake hands with them now or can we just get right to the spitting on them?" -Alison "the Deuce" Wolfsberger (after the game)
3. I think the team should all have blue shirts with white writing that say "HOUSE"
4. "I'm sorry, I can't throw today"- Beth
5. "Oh crap I have to bat now? OH GOD!" - Ashley Campbell
6. Adam Wilson swings for the fences...and often gets them over.
7. Scott NELSON Royce puts them over the fence.
8. John Maxon M.I.A.
9. Megan Beattie...
10. Danielle Treadway with the right-center skillz.
11. Adam Wilson- MVP
12. Lauren Miller is my hero.
13. Kelsey "BESSIMA" England...gives me the advice of the cut off man.
14. Nick Hensley is the best short stop on record.
15. man, there's a lot of guys on that Delta Zeta team..."where's all the chicks?"... Oh wait, those are the chicks...ew. J/K...those girls are so pretty (well, most of them).
16.Christine Sargent provides transportation.
17. David Lazar...fan of the week.
18. Crystal "pinky" Phillips and the charge of the mound...well, she didn't, but someday one of us should charge that Lindley guy...
19. Speakin of Lindley, I thought he did an alright job pitching.
20. I forget what "20" is.

Well, I guess that's about all I have to say at the moment. If I've left anything out...I'm sure I'll post it some other time.


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