Quantcast Your Face Gives Me the Diarrhea: Who...what? NO WAY!
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Location: Huntsville, Alabama, United States

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Thursday, April 21, 2005

Who...what? NO WAY!

I was shaving this morning...and had shaving gel all over my face when my phone starts ringing. It was Juanita Owen. She called to offer me a Conference Assisstant position. I delightfully said yes.

I was in Macroeconomics...and class got over after like 20 minutes...so I came to NCRH. I walked into Malissa's office. Malissa was on the phone..."I dunno, would you like to talk to him?" ---and I'm like what now? And it's Rebecca Blount offering me a Resident Assisstant position...so within two hours I was "promoted" (I guess you could say) twice...so that was pretty crazy.

Right now, I'm at work. Sitting behind the desk. Wishing I was somewhere else, but I decided to cover for Mallorie so she could do something...I forget what though. I'll be here till 6, then I'm going to watch the softball game...and later on going out with a group of people for the Kelly Lamb extravaganza!

1. Saw you in the hallway
it was kinda nice...
yeah I do miss ya...
hallway talk doesn't suffice...
2. Phone calls are exciting.
3. This day turned my world around...a little...still missin part of it I feel...words are just inadequate.
4. Brandon Mader is my roommate.
5. Justin Pruitt and I are running 800meters---it will be an event to remember.
6. Mark Ullom is a dendrophiliac.
7. I don't think there's anyone better.
8. Mark said to look in the forrest.
9. "I'm friggin bored outta my mind" -Cody actually said "friggin" instead of the F-bomb.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you are shifting your beard blame on Juanita? Shame, it's about time you took responsibility for your beard actions, Hew.

3:54 PM  

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